Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thank You!

Thank you for visiting my blog for the last few months .I value your support and feedback. As a direct result of your feedback it is now time for the site to move on to the next stage. The site is being converted to a branded research data base .This is the first step towards the establishment of the proposed Gilbert Muponda University (GMU). The blog will remain but will only be a small section of the proposed venture.

The Proposed new set up will be made up of several sections some of which visitors will need to subscribe (for free) to be able to access. There are two clear benefits of subscribing .The first benefit is that subscribers will receive detailed Economic and Financial Quarterly reports and other in depth reports and exclusive articles. Secondly at a future date subscribers in certain jurisdictions will be given an opportunity to convert their membership into free shares of the Proposed Venture. For this reason potential subscribers are encouraged to provide accurate information when they register.

This site will not be updated till the end of May 2008.The new site will be launched on 1 June 2008. If you have comments please send them to

So, please come back on 1 June 2008 and join me to break new ground.

Thank you ,

1 comment:

edward mukuze said...

Well done Gilbert.We need people like you to rebuild Zimbabwe.