As we continue to document the CFX Bank ownership dispute it has become clear that the current CFX Management and Board of Directors intend to further hide the fraud that was committed by the illegal and irregular transfer of 309 million Century/CFX Bank shares.A website blog has been created to fully document this matter as it develops.The address is http://cfxbank.blogspot.com. It is clear they are trying to hide and conceal the illegal actions of some current Senior Managers,past senior managers ,past Board of Directors all acting in concert with the RBZ Governor to snatch Century/CFX Bank from me and my Company ENG Capital.It is there fore necessary to step up the documentation and ensure all facts are in public domain.
Those currently investing or trying to buy CFX Bank must do so with full knowledge that they are buying stolen property.Any attempt to re-brand or rename the resultant bank will be fully documented.CFX Bank has remained weak and undercapitalised due to the fact that most Market partcicpants in Zimbabwe are fully aware that it is a looted asset.This has brought instability to CFX Bank which has seen the Bank have at least 5 Chief Executive officers in a 2 year period.This reflects the underlying ownership dispute.And as long as this remains the bank will remain on shaky ground.
Various transactions and Company re-organization schemes with the ultimate aim of sanitizing asset looting and illegal expropriation of our Assets. The current proposed recapitalization exercise must be viewed in the same light as it now seeks to sell our illegally transferred shares into hands of another foreign Bank which will further hide the tracks of the illegal transaction. This must be documented and stopped.
The Senior Management and Directors of CFX are co-conspirators in an elaborate scheme to defraud ENG Capital and its shareholders and contributories. They have falsely and fraudulently with others known and unknown, unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly did combine, conspire, confederate, and agree together and with each other to commit offenses against ENG Capital to commit fraud in connection with the purchase, sale and transfer of the 309,000,000 Century Holdings Ordinary shares.
The directors of Century/ CFX provided false and misleading information to CFX’s regulators, Zimbabwe investing public ,auditors and concealed from them their falsification of Century/ CFXs books and records, and manipulation of data recorded in CFXs general ledger and subsidiary ledgers. Making and causing CFX to make untrue statements of material facts and omitting to state material facts necessary in order to make the statements made. This was all done in an effort to hide the tracks of ENG Capital's controlling stake shares in Century/CFX Bank.It appears Finance Bank Zambia assisted by Credit Suisse have decided to enter the fray and assist in money and transaction laundering.This must be documented.
This is an ongoing dispute.I have created a website blog to document and clarify issues.The website address is http://cfxbank.blogspot.com/
Gilbert Muponda is a Founder of GMRI CAPITAL . He can be reached at; www.ZimFace.com
Email: gilbert@gilbertmuponda.com . Skype ID: gilbert.Muponda
Twitter ; http://twitter.com/gmricapital
Phone: 1-416-841-5542
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