The recent article published in the Herald Newspaper on 20 September,2009, entitled (Ex- ENG Boss Causes Controversy) - http://allafrica.com/stories/200909230013.html refers.
The Government of Zimbabwe’s attempted frivolous rebuttal to ENG Capital’s legitimate claim actually confirms ENG Capital’s ownership of the disputed 309 million shares and ownership of Century/CFX Bank. Their only purported defense is that you should have complained earlier or you are specified so you cant do anything about it. This is just hiding behind technicalities without any real or meaningful response to a legitimate claim.
The government’s lawyer’s claims, “The shares in dispute were however, disposed of by ENG liquidator to pay the depositors. Muponda skipped bail three years ago and is believed to be in the United States. He remains a specified person in Zimbabwe.”
It is common knowledge that I was detained, arrested ,tortured and specified. The legal counsel Mr, Ziweni, whom I hired to represent ENG Capital, suffered the same fate, was arrested, harassed, intimidated, specified and unfortunately died under mysterious circumstances.
As I languished in remand prison, the RBZ Governor, Gideon Gono, embarked orgy of ENG Capital asset stripping and with the assistance of the body politic gained political mileage with a sustained Muponda vilification crusade. As part of this asset stripping the 309 million shares were “bought” by Gono’s front Network Investments , Kwangari Enterprises and others.
Zimbabweans were made to believe that ENG was bankrupt and that its only assets were expensive cars. To the contrary ENG was a solid financial services company which owned a bank – Century and had other tangible assets that far exceeded the liabilities, concocted by Gideon Gono. The rebuttal by the Government’s lawyer confirms ENG Capital owned Century/CFX Bank.
Please note that the very person, Gideon Gono, who declared ENG bankrupt, is the same person who sought my specification and is the same person who then authorized the disposal of the 309 million shares. This same person was also the beneficiary of the irregular disposal of the 309 million Century /CFX shares in collusion with the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange who violated various regulations meant to protect investors in a public company.
The government further claims that, “The transaction was done in 2004”, and “in terms of the Prevention of Corruption Act, Muponda is not able to conduct any material transaction on his behalf in respect of any companies he has invested in.”
The above statement assumes that I seek relief and am pursuing my claim through the compromised and tainted Zimbabwean judicial system, which the same system is willing to be used by corrupt politicians to punish the innocent while sanitizing financial fraud by elected officials. This partisan court system was the same used strip me of my legal rights and used to brand me as a criminal without due process or the prospect of Habeas corpus.
As you maybe aware I am seeking the return and or compensation for 309 million Century Holdings Shares which were fraudulently and corruptly sold to group of politicians including RBZ Governor Gono, Ministers Goche and Gumbo. They were sold to their investment consortium which had several shelf companies including Kwangari Enterprises and Network Investments. The sale of the shares was done on or about 12 May 2004 through a pre-determined and fixed price transaction called a special bargain. As a result the current CFX Bank is a product of fraudulent merger of Century Bank (owned by my company ENG Capital) and a much smaller CFX Bank which somehow got naming rights on the resultant Bank. This “merger” was just to hide the corruption and fraud.
It is clear that the asset looting and expropriation in Zimbabwe is being done by senior Government Officials directly or indirectly through fronts. This is why some targeted sanctions have been applied on some of the politicians because they need to be stopped from their attempts to launder the proceeds from businesses they have looted and unjust enrichment schemes must be stopped. Those who are acting as their fronts, associates and conduits need to take note.
The current events that have seen Mr John Moxon , his family and Meikles Companies being specified is the same modus operandi used by politicians as they embark on unjust self enrichments by mis-appropriating businesses using draconian legislation designed to criminalize and scandalize entrepreneurs whose political views are perceived to be at variance with their own.
As I have said there is an illusion and fallacious assumption that I wont be able to take action in Zimbabwe but depositors and investors must be cautious , be realistic and don’t take chances. Action is being taken . It is for this reason that I am advising the depositors and Investors in CFX Bank to withdraw their investments from the Bank within the next 28 days. This includes Finance Bank Zambia and their partners who are about to buy a solen asset.Its not wise.At this stage we need to find out who is aiding ,abetting and facilitating money and transaction laundering by trying to sanitize illegal and fraudulent seizure of businesses by some Zimbabwe’s politicians and Government officials. Should any one decide to remain invested in CFX Bank after the next 28 days they will only have themselves to blame if they lose out.
Yours Faithfully,
Gilbert Muponda
Email – gilbert@gilbertmuponda.com
Skype ID – gilbert.muponda
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